
Instructions to import contacts in office 365
Instructions to import contacts in office 365

instructions to import contacts in office 365

4- Click Browse and navigate the location where the CSV file is saved and click Upload.

instructions to import contacts in office 365 instructions to import contacts in office 365

3- From the toolbar, click the down arrow next to Manage and choose Import contacts option. 2- Then, select the app button and then click on the People option. As hard as I tried to get questions answered before getting Office 365 I am having trouble. I have 3 email addresses- outlook, Pop and Google IMAP. I also have a android phone and a Kindle Fire. And for Set-Contact Powershell cmdlet here. 1- Firstly, sign-in to Office 365 account from the system. Recently I purchased Office 365 mostly because I wanted a single source of contacts in Outlook rather than 3 different versions to try and maintain. You can get more information about the Get-Contact Powershell cmdlet here. Select the Mailbox that you want to move Contacts from (the old email account) Select Contacts to import into Office 365 (hold the CTRL key to select multiples) To copy the contacts (keeps them in. New-MailContact -Name $Name -DisplayName $DisplayName -ExternalEmailAddress $ExternalEmailAddress -FirstName $FirstName -LastName $LastName $ExternalEmailAddress =$Contact.ExternalEmailAddress $StateorProvince =$Contact.StateorProvince #For each contact foreach ( $Contact in $Contacts ) $CSVFileName = "Contacts_Export.csv" #Create the CSV file New-Item $CSVFileName - type file -force #Write the first line into the CSV file Add-Content $CSVFileName "DisplayName,Name,ExternalEmailAddress,FirstName,LastName,StreetAddress,City,StateorProvince,PostalCode,Phone,MobilePhone,Pager,HomePhone,Company,Title,OtherTelephone,Department,Fax,Initials,Notes,Office,Manager" #Get Contact from Exchange $Contacts = Get -Contact

Instructions to import contacts in office 365